We are Luminous Creative Imaging. An internationally acclaimed integrated CG production studio that specializes in high-end and engaging image creation.
Our attention to detail and love for beautiful and exciting visuals and animations means we will go the distance together with you when working on your projects!
Creative Imaging and World Building
The Luminous team has mastered various disciplines to create emotionally engaging and creative visuals! This includes CGI, creative retouching and animation. Every member of our team is highly specialized and belongs to the top of their respective field. Highly motivated and with their own style, our artists love challenges and go all the way to create fantastic looking and detailed imagery!

CG Animations and Cinemagraphs
Luminous has a lot of experience creating great animations and cinemagraphs that are completely in-line with the print campaign!Combining various animation techniques and technologies (3D, 2D, SD) we use advanced digital workflows that work fantastic when animating your campaign!
Concept design and development
When working together on a project, we will help you visualize your concept. Working together with you by creating various designs and sketches to make the concept stronger and stand out more. We have a sharp eye and are always happy to discuss the various possibilities!
CGI and Creative Retouching
Luminous specializes in precision projects requiring the highest level of creativity, insight and attention to detail. Combining CG and creative retouching, we are best known for our photorealistic style and seamlessly built environments, technical machinery, products, creatures and people.
We Care About Your Projects
We are well known for being able to guide and manage large, complex projects and creative workflows, which means we handle your projects with love and the utmost care.
Our studio is made up of specialist artists and seasoned project managers with a custom team assembled for every project! Services also include photography, art direction, and illustration.